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Miguel’s tiny page


About me

I’m Miguel Mascarenhas Filipe, and I like to solve problems so much that one of my mottos is “problems are waiting to be solved”. On twitter “Sui generis, creative & adventurer. Loves distributed systems, hard problems, and First Principles Engineering”

At Dune I’m the Tech Lead and Software Engineer on the API team.

My professional background has a ~6y stint on large scale distributed (and high throughput) systems at AWS/DynamoDB and Microsoft/Skype and ~12y on startup environments from 20 to 250 people.

About this page

I’ve been thinking about having a simple page where I can put some thoughts or share something, either about technical tastes, preferences or whatnot. I use twitter to microblog (

I kicked off this page with the contents of the “about me” internal page that we used in Dune (where I work). Please note that this page is my personal site, with my personal opinions.

Communication Style

I’m what they say: What you see is what you get. I’m straight to the point, very candid and prefer a very down-to earth open communication, erring on the side of verbosity. :-)

I tend to think out loud during conversations to explain my reasoning further. I’m analytical and skeptical by nature, which at times might feel non-cooperative, but it’s simply my brain working out the problem.

Working Style

Personality Style

If you like (or strongly believe) in personality tests, I’m a Meyers-Briggs ESTP.

According to wikipedia it maps to:

I don’t know if I agree with the “skillful negotiator”, but I do fit the stereotype box quite well.

I believe everything in life is a combination of:


Please provide feedback as early as possible! In whatever form works best for you. I usually find face-to-face conversations easier because we get additional information from non-verbal expressions and tone of voice.

You don’t need to use the sandwich of complement-feedback-complement, but fine if you use it. We’re all humans and we all like to hear positives once in a while.

Since we’re here, let me go ahead and share that one of my self-improvement never ending tasks is to be smoother and softer in the way in interact with others. I try hard to adjust my interaction styles to the audience. This is something that doesn’t come natural to me and I keep improving and working on it. Please provide any feedback you might have. :-)

Stuff I like

Odd fact, I don’t play computer games, never found them that entertaining. On my down-time I over-consume wikipedia, reddit, youtube, kindle & technical papers

On youtube my subscriptions are around:

Books & Authors I heartily recommend: